Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: FRUSTRATED BRIDES!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I was contacted by a family yesterday at their wits ends with Allen and still not receiving their stuff! What makes a person relapse? Allen was doing so well, working his butt off to finish up with everyone and now all his hard work is getting covered up by the few projects he is failing to finish!!! I emailed Allen to let him know that his hard work has not gone unnoticed, he was appreciative and promised to continue. However it seems that things have fallen back to the way they were! Allen if there is a problem or if something has happened with you personally communication is the best tool! Let these people know what is going on. This is where the false excuses hurts you because now if there really is a problem there is a chance these brides wont believe you. I would still not insult them by avoiding them. Confront the situation truthfully......If it is a money issue tell them, If it is health, tell them....If you just needed a break after bustin' tail on all the others JUST TELL THEM!!!! Be honest with them and yourself. You must confront the situation head on and then it will start to go away!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN.... Please keep it up. There are lots of other anonymous brides (like myself) who are being hurt by this man and he doesn't seem to care. I'm trying to be kind, patient and understanding but I feel like I'm in an emotionally abusive relationship. Thank you for standing up for your fellow brides! We all deserve our albums/products!!

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen Diliegro needs to do what is right! Huntersville, NC you need to run him out of town!!!

10:46 PM  

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