A Day of Regrouping!
I spent today just regrouping my thoughts after being taken back by the fact that there are still victims coming out of the wood works! I am saddened by the fact that this guiltless creature continues to prey on innocent victims. He is still in business. Today I was made aware of another person who has fallen victim to Allen's shady scheme and also informed me that she has a friend who has hired Allen for her wedding that is to occur in April. Her friend has already paid her "HEFTY" deposit and is now stuck between a rock and a hard place. With only two months before her wedding what is she to do...She is already watching her friend go through what is going to be her future feat. A wonderful new friend has started a yahoo group so that the families who are victims of Allen can communicate in private. There everyone can exchange legal advice and keep each other informed of the outcomes to each others cases! If you are a victim and would like to join just click on the link! I hope that this blog will one day not be necessary and we can all go on with our lives with our wedding albums and a new group of wonderful friends! Don't give up continue to fight for what is right! Allen is wanting to wear you down and make you give up! DON'T DO IT! You are not alone there are others who feel your pain, anger, and frustration! Hang in there!
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