Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: A Visit From Allen

Monday, February 06, 2006

A Visit From Allen

I do believe that Allen Left a comment on the blog! I guess instead of working and earning a honest living he is surfing the web! In the comment Allen or whoever stated that I didn't know all the facts.....Well, I am aware that the Brides didn't put up all the money but good ol' Allen also got help from his in-laws.. How proud they must be of him and what he is doing to their name! Yes that's right folks,,, His name hasn't always been Allen Diliegro, I think it was Allen Lowder.. Not really sure but I think I have tracked his family down to Kannapolis, NC. Who knows I am not a private-eye, however I do know of one in North Augusta! I have to say I have really enjoyed this Blog and I especially have just really been pleased with the countless number of friends that I have met who happen to have the same story as my family. Thanks for all the emails and comments I appreciate them all, even the ones from Allen and his small group of friends! I believe in hearing both sides of the story! Oh yeah everyone check out Buyer Beware SC... He really is on the list! I thought maybe a booth at the wedding expo in Columbia might be better than a class action lawsuit... That way the brides to be and other vendors would have a face to go with the story... Brooke you can bring the crooked pics and the ones with the heads cut off for a display, and my sister can bring her album......Oops my bad she doesn't have one! Well Anyway I thought I would just let you know that either Allen or Renee has now left a comment so please read! Have a great Day!


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