Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: Allen DiLiegro...What are the Facts?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Allen DiLiegro...What are the Facts?

Allen Diliegro please tell us your story...We would love to hear all the facts and reasons for all these unsuspecting brides not receiving their pictures and wedding albums. Please tell us why it took two years for one family to finally receive their album, 18 months for my family and a year ago you said the album was already in production, not to mention the countless others. The total count is up to 8 FAMILIES that we know of! Allen if you were so over-whelmed with clients and back orders why would you continue to take on new clients and weddings? Why not stop and finish the projects you already committed yourself to and do a good job... The only thing that I can think of is GREED! I feel that you need people to pay 100% 30 days in advance so that you can cover the wedding prior to the one you are shooting?! I think you got too greedy and spent too much and now you are in financial trouble! It 's like kiting.... In the financial world a person has two (at least) bank accounts... When one is over drawn the person takes money (via a check)they do not have from one acct. to cover the over drawn acct. Then when the other account is about to be NSF the person writes a check from the previously overdrawn acct to cover the other account .Moving invisible money that was never there in the first place. This becomes a vicious cycle that is very hard to get out of and Kiters are almost always caught.. You can not keep up the deceit.. Someone will eventually put a hold on the funds and you will be caught! I FEEL that this is what is going on with our friend Allen. Why else would he get so angry with one of the Brides mothers when she asked him if he was in financial trouble....Psych 101 will tell you that when a person acts out after being accused of something chances are you hit the nail on the head! Ok, I think that everyone who is reading this blog needs to figure a way to get their story out to the public! Local news shows who run stories on businesses who don't do what they are supposed to... News papers...... Local radio talk shows... pass out fliers?... Oprah! Be creative! Have fun with it! I think that if Allen would just fulfill his contracts , promise not to do any more weddings , and just concentrate on the customers he has now he could dig his way out......JUST DO IT! Allen dig deep within your soul and find the slightest bit of self motivation and complete the tasks on hand! BE A MAN!


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