Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: DILIEGRO- What's in a Name?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

DILIEGRO- What's in a Name?

D is for Dishonest man that you are.

i is for the innocent victims that trusted you

L is for the lies that you tell.

i is for the inconsiderate person that you are.

e is for the empty promises you make.

g is for the GIRLS you have hurt.

r is for the reasons you give for not fulfilling your contracts!(a lot)

o is for OUT OF BUSINESS we hope you will be soon!

A name says a lot about the person that you are. Unfortunately Allen is tainting the last name of his wife's family! If Allen continues to victimize women across the coastal area Diliegro will mean dishonest to everyone's ears!


Blogger CarieAnn said...

Hey I'm glad you enjoy reading this! Please pass it around I would love for everyone to know our story!

1:16 PM  

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