Tuesday, February 28, 2006
After posting yesterday's blog I was scolded by my yahoo group for stating that I wasn't going to blog anymore. Not everyone has received all that was promised to them by Allen, so I promise to continue my blog until everyone that has been hurt by Allen has been taken care of. The purpose of this blog started out as a way to get Allen's attention, so that he would return our phone calls, however it has turned out to be a beacon of hope and a driving force for many people! Out of my commitment to my new found friends I will continue to blog and update this site with info until everyone I have been contacted by is content.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Mission Accomplished
After A year and a half Allen finally came through with the album. He did apologize and said he didn't blame us for being mad at him. I am grateful that this ordeal is over. I just want to leave you with this... If you believe in something and what you are doing is right and honest, you will succeed in the end! Don't ever give up! I will be disabling this blog site in a couple of days just as I promised Allen I would. I did want to let you know the outcome of my mission. Allen is no longer taking new clients and promises to complete all remaining tasks in a professional manner! Thank you all for reading my blog and for your constant support! To the remaining girls still waiting for your albums don't give up or give in! Allen is not malicious he is just slow! Stay on top of him and he will provide exactly what you paid for!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
A Second Chance
I believe everyone deserves one! If you are given the opportunity to make things right then you need to do so! Don't let the chance slip by. What do you think? Do you believe that we all make mistakes, that we all falter.....
Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?
Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?
DILIEGRO- What's in a Name?
D is for Dishonest man that you are.
i is for the innocent victims that trusted you
L is for the lies that you tell.
i is for the inconsiderate person that you are.
e is for the empty promises you make.
g is for the GIRLS you have hurt.
r is for the reasons you give for not fulfilling your contracts!(a lot)
o is for OUT OF BUSINESS we hope you will be soon!
A name says a lot about the person that you are. Unfortunately Allen is tainting the last name of his wife's family! If Allen continues to victimize women across the coastal area Diliegro will mean dishonest to everyone's ears!
i is for the innocent victims that trusted you
L is for the lies that you tell.
i is for the inconsiderate person that you are.
e is for the empty promises you make.
g is for the GIRLS you have hurt.
r is for the reasons you give for not fulfilling your contracts!(a lot)
o is for OUT OF BUSINESS we hope you will be soon!
A name says a lot about the person that you are. Unfortunately Allen is tainting the last name of his wife's family! If Allen continues to victimize women across the coastal area Diliegro will mean dishonest to everyone's ears!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A Day of Regrouping!
I spent today just regrouping my thoughts after being taken back by the fact that there are still victims coming out of the wood works! I am saddened by the fact that this guiltless creature continues to prey on innocent victims. He is still in business. Today I was made aware of another person who has fallen victim to Allen's shady scheme and also informed me that she has a friend who has hired Allen for her wedding that is to occur in April. Her friend has already paid her "HEFTY" deposit and is now stuck between a rock and a hard place. With only two months before her wedding what is she to do...She is already watching her friend go through what is going to be her future feat. A wonderful new friend has started a yahoo group so that the families who are victims of Allen can communicate in private. There everyone can exchange legal advice and keep each other informed of the outcomes to each others cases! If you are a victim and would like to join just click on the link! I hope that this blog will one day not be necessary and we can all go on with our lives with our wedding albums and a new group of wonderful friends! Don't give up continue to fight for what is right! Allen is wanting to wear you down and make you give up! DON'T DO IT! You are not alone there are others who feel your pain, anger, and frustration! Hang in there!
Allen DiLiegro...What are the Facts?
Allen Diliegro please tell us your story...We would love to hear all the facts and reasons for all these unsuspecting brides not receiving their pictures and wedding albums. Please tell us why it took two years for one family to finally receive their album, 18 months for my family and a year ago you said the album was already in production, not to mention the countless others. The total count is up to 8 FAMILIES that we know of! Allen if you were so over-whelmed with clients and back orders why would you continue to take on new clients and weddings? Why not stop and finish the projects you already committed yourself to and do a good job... The only thing that I can think of is GREED! I feel that you need people to pay 100% 30 days in advance so that you can cover the wedding prior to the one you are shooting?! I think you got too greedy and spent too much and now you are in financial trouble! It 's like kiting.... In the financial world a person has two (at least) bank accounts... When one is over drawn the person takes money (via a check)they do not have from one acct. to cover the over drawn acct. Then when the other account is about to be NSF the person writes a check from the previously overdrawn acct to cover the other account .Moving invisible money that was never there in the first place. This becomes a vicious cycle that is very hard to get out of and Kiters are almost always caught.. You can not keep up the deceit.. Someone will eventually put a hold on the funds and you will be caught! I FEEL that this is what is going on with our friend Allen. Why else would he get so angry with one of the Brides mothers when she asked him if he was in financial trouble....Psych 101 will tell you that when a person acts out after being accused of something chances are you hit the nail on the head! Ok, I think that everyone who is reading this blog needs to figure a way to get their story out to the public! Local news shows who run stories on businesses who don't do what they are supposed to... News papers...... Local radio talk shows... pass out fliers?... Oprah! Be creative! Have fun with it! I think that if Allen would just fulfill his contracts , promise not to do any more weddings , and just concentrate on the customers he has now he could dig his way out......JUST DO IT! Allen dig deep within your soul and find the slightest bit of self motivation and complete the tasks on hand! BE A MAN!
Monday, February 06, 2006
A Visit From Allen
I do believe that Allen Left a comment on the blog! I guess instead of working and earning a honest living he is surfing the web! In the comment Allen or whoever stated that I didn't know all the facts.....Well, I am aware that the Brides didn't put up all the money but good ol' Allen also got help from his in-laws.. How proud they must be of him and what he is doing to their name! Yes that's right folks,,, His name hasn't always been Allen Diliegro, I think it was Allen Lowder.. Not really sure but I think I have tracked his family down to Kannapolis, NC. Who knows I am not a private-eye, however I do know of one in North Augusta! I have to say I have really enjoyed this Blog and I especially have just really been pleased with the countless number of friends that I have met who happen to have the same story as my family. Thanks for all the emails and comments I appreciate them all, even the ones from Allen and his small group of friends! I believe in hearing both sides of the story! Oh yeah everyone check out Buyer Beware SC... He really is on the list! I thought maybe a booth at the wedding expo in Columbia might be better than a class action lawsuit... That way the brides to be and other vendors would have a face to go with the story... Brooke you can bring the crooked pics and the ones with the heads cut off for a display, and my sister can bring her album......Oops my bad she doesn't have one! Well Anyway I thought I would just let you know that either Allen or Renee has now left a comment so please read! Have a great Day!
Allen Diliegro SURPRISE!!! SURPRISE!!!!
Allen Diliegro has now had his phone disconnected, not just one but all of them..... I guess Allen can't face the music! He has obviously made one too many brides and their mothers mad!!! It just cracks me up how he states in his Blogs that he is in the process of writing his first novel and he tries to look so smart for his writer audience, however he is unaware of the oldest cliche... Hell hath no fury....Ladies you know this one!
I am definitely not a profiler, however Allen reminds me of the guy in High School who always tried to fit in , but no matter what he did he just tried too hard! I think he was trying to look like he was Mr. Big stuff and just had it all together with the expensive equipment and his bulldog and the new house...ha ha ha what a JOKE! All that was purchased by unsuspecting clients who trusted him! Allen will always be one step behind the rest! Although I must say he is good at making you trust him! Either that or we are the suckers!!! Probably a little of both!
My mission with this Blog is to insure that he never tries to hurt , or ruin another Bride's wedding.... Everyday goes by and I am informed of another bride... I couldn't believe it but yesterday just when I was wondering if anyone was reading my Blog I was contacted by Two different people with a total of Three more new families that have a dark cloud that shadows the wedding memories of what should be the most wonderful time of their lives!!! HEY but hang on Ladies....... Your day is truly coming! We do have a wonderful court system and for about $80.00 you too can have your day in court with Allen...... Put a lien on his house , his car, his equipment...... It is your God given right!!!!
Don't let him ruin your day! I just laugh as I write this Blog and email him......The righteous will rise up and the guilty will fall....
So look out below he's a biggin'!! LOL
I am definitely not a profiler, however Allen reminds me of the guy in High School who always tried to fit in , but no matter what he did he just tried too hard! I think he was trying to look like he was Mr. Big stuff and just had it all together with the expensive equipment and his bulldog and the new house...ha ha ha what a JOKE! All that was purchased by unsuspecting clients who trusted him! Allen will always be one step behind the rest! Although I must say he is good at making you trust him! Either that or we are the suckers!!! Probably a little of both!
My mission with this Blog is to insure that he never tries to hurt , or ruin another Bride's wedding.... Everyday goes by and I am informed of another bride... I couldn't believe it but yesterday just when I was wondering if anyone was reading my Blog I was contacted by Two different people with a total of Three more new families that have a dark cloud that shadows the wedding memories of what should be the most wonderful time of their lives!!! HEY but hang on Ladies....... Your day is truly coming! We do have a wonderful court system and for about $80.00 you too can have your day in court with Allen...... Put a lien on his house , his car, his equipment...... It is your God given right!!!!
Don't let him ruin your day! I just laugh as I write this Blog and email him......The righteous will rise up and the guilty will fall....
So look out below he's a biggin'!! LOL
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to court we go!!!
Well after months of empty promises and numerous lies my sister has finally made the decision to take Allen the Dishonest to court! He emailed me about a month ago and stated that my sister would have her album in her hands by Feb 1st..... Well I know if you have been reading this blog you already know the outcome! I found that he has a new area where he blogs it's called Writer's Domain you should check it out and be sure to let him know what you think about dishonest people that rip off ordinary trusting people! Thanks again for taking the time to read my blog!