Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: January 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006

Enough of the Name Calling

Ok, Ok I agree.... The name calling will stop! I just believe in calling a spade a spade. Allen Diliegro has hit more than just my family. I called a photographer in Lexington, SC and spoke with her for about 30 mins... It seems that Allen has been busy defrauding other families. The count is up to Five families that we know of! My sister now lives in Charlotte, NC and I am in Texas, we have a hard time trying to get our story out there so that Allen can not take anyone else's money...... There are so many innocent brides-to-be taken by this guy. He underbids the competition because he never intends on producing any photos for you! Ladies if you are listening........STAY AWAY FROM THE DILIEGRO STUDIOS! IT"S A SCAM!!!! You can take that to the bank!

Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: Allen Diliegro Dishonest!

Liar Liar, Fake and a Phony

Allen Diliegro Is a Crook and a Thief! He steals from innocent families and has zero guilt! He should never be allowed to take photos of anything! He has never produced the photo album he has promised and is a scam artist! I hope what goes around comes around! Check out the Better Business Bureau! Look at his business record! What a Lazy pathetic shell of a person!
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