Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost

Monday, February 19, 2007

A New Bride Has Arrived

Well yet another Bride has joined the group! How sad that they keep coming! I wonder if Allen's Mother is proud of him? I bet on bring your dad to school day his daughter can stand up with pride and say "My Dad is the BEST Con-Artist Around!"

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Still Fighting

I thought I would add an update to the progress or lack there of. I want to keep this blog as current as possible so people do not think that this is an old issue, and that they are alone. Yesterday I was contacted by yet another person who thought they were alone. Please join the yahoo group posted on this blog and read what other brides are saying. I also have spoken with Federal Law Enforcement, and what has been done to these brides is a Federal Crime if in anyway he contacted or did any correspondence through the mail. That means ANYTHING! If you mailed the check, or mailed a contract, or if he sent his prices to you through the mail! So rest assured we have not given up! There have been some brides receiving their albums slowly but surely! Don't give up! We're not!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Huntersville, North Carolina has a wolf in sheep's clothing

I just wanted to leave another update as to where we are with Allen Diliegro. Allen has now moved to Huntersville, North Carolina and still has not taken care of the brides. How hard is it really to produce these wedding albums? I don't believe Renee is working outside the home and he stated that she does the production of the albums. If they work on them together they should be able to crank them out! Allen is no longer taking pictures that we know of ,however he does have a new job which concerns many of the brides because they wonder where his priorities will lie. If he couldn't get the albums done when he was working for himself how is he going to find the time to do them now? Allen has not yet paid restitution to my sister and probably never will. More lies continue to unfold as time goes on....
Our yahoo group has 28 members now and is still growing. Everyone in that group has had some kind of problem with Allen's dishonesty! I hope that the people in
Huntersville, North Carolina are aware there is a wolf in sheep's clothing moving into their herd!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I was contacted by a family yesterday at their wits ends with Allen and still not receiving their stuff! What makes a person relapse? Allen was doing so well, working his butt off to finish up with everyone and now all his hard work is getting covered up by the few projects he is failing to finish!!! I emailed Allen to let him know that his hard work has not gone unnoticed, he was appreciative and promised to continue. However it seems that things have fallen back to the way they were! Allen if there is a problem or if something has happened with you personally communication is the best tool! Let these people know what is going on. This is where the false excuses hurts you because now if there really is a problem there is a chance these brides wont believe you. I would still not insult them by avoiding them. Confront the situation truthfully......If it is a money issue tell them, If it is health, tell them....If you just needed a break after bustin' tail on all the others JUST TELL THEM!!!! Be honest with them and yourself. You must confront the situation head on and then it will start to go away!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Still in a Slump

It seems that Allen is starting to fall back into his old slump. I was really hopeful and thought that he would finish the task at hand, but it seems he is falling behind again! If you have any sucess stories or sad stories you would like to share I would love it if you would leave a comment so that everyone can read your story!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I've Been Scolded

After posting yesterday's blog I was scolded by my yahoo group for stating that I wasn't going to blog anymore. Not everyone has received all that was promised to them by Allen, so I promise to continue my blog until everyone that has been hurt by Allen has been taken care of. The purpose of this blog started out as a way to get Allen's attention, so that he would return our phone calls, however it has turned out to be a beacon of hope and a driving force for many people! Out of my commitment to my new found friends I will continue to blog and update this site with info until everyone I have been contacted by is content.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Mission Accomplished

After A year and a half Allen finally came through with the album. He did apologize and said he didn't blame us for being mad at him. I am grateful that this ordeal is over. I just want to leave you with this... If you believe in something and what you are doing is right and honest, you will succeed in the end! Don't ever give up! I will be disabling this blog site in a couple of days just as I promised Allen I would. I did want to let you know the outcome of my mission. Allen is no longer taking new clients and promises to complete all remaining tasks in a professional manner! Thank you all for reading my blog and for your constant support! To the remaining girls still waiting for your albums don't give up or give in! Allen is not malicious he is just slow! Stay on top of him and he will provide exactly what you paid for!
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