Allen Diliegro- Memories Lost: November 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Again contacted by a man with a million promises lined with excuses. Will he ever produce the wedding album he has promised? We will see. Allen Diliegro contacted my sister shortly after posting this new blog. He says that he will call her later this week after talking with the publisher's of her wedding album! I won't hold my breath! The saddest thing is that we know of two other families waiting for their wedding pictures as well..... A Novel Idea....... Allen time... he states in his own blog that he is a procrastinator and that he is lazy....... What a shame! I also read another blog he had called A Quest that he has spent 15,000.00 on invitro and 30,000.00 on adoption! I wonder what he did with the money for the wedding pics we never recieved! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out!! WE'VE BEEN SCAMMED!!! Well I hope this last promise will pan out to be true! I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Allen Diliegro Dishonest!

Where do I begin..... About two years ago Allen Diliegro out of South Carolina took pictures for my sister's wedding.... We paid him in full over $2000.00 and two years ago still nothing! We have tried to contact him in many ways! We have heard sob story after sob story about how he is trying to have a baby and invitro wasn't working we are moving we are sick we are adopting!!! Well That is fine , but why won't you please give us the wedding album you owe us? Since using Allen Diliegro Studios we have talked to several other clients who he has scammed just the same! How sad.
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